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Sunday, March 22, 2015
First Day of Spring?
So Friday was the first day of spring and what did we get? Snow. And more snow Saturday. It wasn't that much all in all and more annoying than anything else. But really, it's just the fact that it was snowing AGAIN. I am so tired of it and so over it. I mean as pretty as it looks, the big puffy white snow flakes (it was the really pretty, wet kind of snow) that is just not spring weather.
It's sunny outside right now but only 31F (just a tad under 0C) and only supposed to get a few degrees warmer later. So again, not a really spring-y day in my book. I guess we will see what the rest of the month brings. It's going to have to get nice eventually or so I hope anyway. :)
My dad's surgery this past Monday went well so that's good anyway. He is still in the hospital but out of intensive care. Going to be at the hospital for another 2 weeks probably. And rehab/physical therapy to get him back into shape after that. My mom's doing ok at home, with help of my aunt and some friends and neighbors. So all that's good, relatively speaking.
Not too much else going on here with us. Just really ready for some nicer spring weather. Can't wait to get out and go for some walks and enjoy some nice scenery. Hopefully soon enough. Really ready for it.
Mail Update. Letters went out on Thursday to: Laura/Spain and Carmen/Malta. Received letters from: Caroline/Scotland and Nina/WA.
Posted by Hanna at 02:34 PM in Austria , Family, Weather | Permalink
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