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Monday, April 19, 2021

New Normal

Newnormal_2Flew back last week Wednesday and am finally mostly over the jetlag again. It's been strange adjusting to being back here again and getting used to my "new normal". The travel back was thankfully uneventful. My aunt paid for a car service for me to take me straight to the airport from the house so I didn't have to take the train. The airport in Vienna was pretty much deserted with very few flights going in and out. I was in Premium Economy again and also didn't have anybody next to me again so the flight itself was fine. Immigration was super quiet (never seen it so quiet don't think) and I was able to pretty much fly through. Had to wait for the luggage for a bit but everything arrived in one piece so yeah, can't really complain too much as far as travel goes. 

Work's been busy so I have just been dealing with that getting back into the swing of things. Last week I just had to work Thursday and Friday before having the weekend to break things up but this week is my first full week in a while and it feels really strange. But once I get back into a routine things will feel more normal I suppose. Our office is also now open again so I will probably start going in about once per week to get used to being in the office again and for a change of scenery. 

Mike had his first Covid shot the day before I flew back and I have my first one scheduled for May 3rd. (Mike's second one is May 4th) So that's good that we are moving along with that as well. I will feel much safer once we are both fully vaccinated. Especially now that Connecticut has announced re-opening plans. On May 19, all business restrictions will be lifted. Indoor mask mandates will remain in effect but that's about it. No more capacity restrictions and no outdoor mask requirements. I am not sure I am quite ready for that yet. Maybe once I am fully vaccinated. But things like crowded concerts/shows/sports games still seem a little risky to me. Guess we will just have to see how it all goes. 

Oh in more fun news Diana Gabaldon announced the publishing date for her new book "Go Tell the Bees that I Am Gone". It's going to release two days before Thanksgiving on November 23rd. Yay! It would be fun if there was some sort of launch event but god knows of course. Considering I just said I don't feel quite comfortable with crowds yet I know I am being a bit hypocritical. But at least by November a lot more people should be fully vaccinated. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Nina/WA, Tiffany/OK.

Posted by Hanna at 07:53 PM | Permalink


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