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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back safe and sound

MindyAnd the vacation is already over again. No idea how 2 weeks can fly by that fast but I guess it's true what they say: Time flies when you are having fun. :) I definitely had a great vacation. Great 8 days in the Provence and a great week back home in Austria. Lots of wonderful scenery, delicious food, great wine, mostly good weather, what more can one want? :)

Tomorrow it's already back to work. I am happy to be home with Mike and the cats but I honestly could do without work. ;) But I guess it's a necessary evil. Somehow the vacations and trips do need to be financed. So off to work it is tomorrow. 

Today I spent most of the day unpacking (with help of the cats of course), sorting through everything I bought and finding a place for everything/putting everything away. Quite the project every time but was able to get it done. In a little while we will probably go out to dinner. It's only 3pm now but I can definitely feel the 6 hour time difference working on me. The joys of international travel. Oh well. :)

Mail Update: Letters going out tomorrow to: Nina/WA, Charles/TN and Celia/MA. Received letters/still owe a response to:  All caught up at the moment. :) 

Posted by Hanna at 03:14 PM in Austria , Food and Drink, Travel | Permalink


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Your kitty cat seems to be saying "and where is my present from your trip amongst all this stuff?!"

Posted by: jo | Jul 15, 2012 5:07:30 PM

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