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Friday, April 16, 2010

Week Update

315119.full It's cold again right in time for the weekend. No plans for tomorrow but Sunday we are heading to New Jersey to a wildlife preserve for a wolf watch experience, a gift I got for Mike a while back. We finally got around to scheduling it and actually going. Definitely looking forward to it. 

I am really glad this week is over. It's just been a long week somehow. Let's see what else is new? We booked a 2 night trip to Williamburg, Virginia for June. I have always wanted to go to Colonial Williamsburg. So I am really looking forward to that. They have a good spring getaway package so we were able to book that. I am sure it will be a fun short trip.

Also got tickets for "Austria Uncorked", a wine tasting in NYC, on May 5. I heard about it in an email from the Austrian consulate and thought it sounded really neat so Mike & I and another friend will be heading down there on May 5.

My parents are currently in Spain and staying there for another week. Hopefully this whole volcano ash thing blows over (excuse the pun) by then and they can fly back to Austria without any problems. Vienna closed their airport this afternoon. Not sure when they will reopen yet.

That's all the news here from my end. Finished reading "Into the Wilderness" by Sara Donati and am now waiting for the second book in the series to get returned to the library (hence the Peanuts cartoon *g)

Short mail update for today. No letters have gone out. :( Received letters from/still owe replies to: Lotte/Denmark, Jessica/DE, Celia/MA, Alex/Germany, Emilia/Finland and Jetta/Finland.

Posted by Hanna at 05:17 PM in Austria , Food and Drink | Permalink


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I didn't know there was such a thing as a wolf watch. I'll have to look into that.

Have fun.

Posted by: cassie-b | Apr 17, 2010 3:51:47 PM

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