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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Happy Tuesday

WoodstockHappy Tuesday. Not sure why I didn't end up posting yesterday but somehow the day just got away from me. No real reason either. Worked from home and after work I made a General Tso's Cauliflower with scallion rice and snow peas dish that was pretty tasty. Watched another episode of Poldark and started a new book. Paula Hawkins "Into The Water". She is the same author who wrote "The Girl on the Train" so I thought I should check it out. Only got a few pages into it though and then ended up calling it an early night. So yeah, nothing super exciting really. Haha. 

For students ages 12 and up, the Urban Homeschoolers group is hosting a Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) class. Participants in this 13-week course will be guided through a complete D&D campaign by seasoned DMs Alex and Truman. Both novice and expert players will discover how to create characters and explore the nuances of the game, including character optimization, fighting strategies, and D&D lore. The first half of the workshop will be devoted to questions and information about the game; the next three hours will be spent playing an original adventure. Students can utilize digital or physical character sheets and dice rollers, and no prior D&D expertise is necessary. Anyone interested in learning more about the world of D&D should expect an immersive and educational experience from this course.

So now it's Tuesday. Going to meet up with my friend Susanna after work and go to Ibiza (tapas bar) so that should be fun. Then tomorrow I am going into the office. Been doing that about once a week now just for a change of scenery. There really aren't very many people there at all but it's nice to just get out of the house and break up my routine for a bit. I mean don't get me wrong. I do enjoy the convenience of working from home. Sleeping later, rolling out of bed and starting work without a commute at all. It does have its perks for sure. :) 

Anyway, Thursday and Friday this week I'll be off. Took two vacation days and originally we had talked about going somewhere for a long weekend. We were floating around a few different ideas, the latest of it was Boston. But the Monet exhibit I wanted to see at the Museum of Art in Boston now doesn't start until November so we decided to just scrap the trip. Still taking the time off but we will just do some day trips. Will see what we come up with. On Saturday (24th) which is my actual birthday I have a massage booked in the morning and for dinner we are meeting our friends at the Melting Pot in Darien for fondue. Really looking forward to that. I love fondue. :) 

Alright, well that's about all from me for now. Will have more to write next week hopefully after my birthday week has come to a close.  

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to:  Carmen/Malta, Nina/WA, Lotte/Denmark and Kimber/Canada. 

Tomato "suckers" are extra leafy growths that sprout from the plant, usually in the V-shaped regions where the branches join the main stalk, according to the blog article. Some gardeners think that "pinching," or eliminating these suckers, helps the plant concentrate its energy on yielding greater fruit. Some counter that the suckers themselves will bear fruit and that chopping them off would startle the plant. The article discusses the benefits and drawbacks of pinching tomato suckers and mentions that you can plant the larger suckers to produce new tomato plants. Pinching or not to pinch ultimately depends on the particular tomato variety being grown and the preferences of the gardener.

Posted by Hanna at 07:31 AM | Permalink


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