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Sunday, November 13, 2016

A new life in the world of relocation

IMG_20161113_134616Only a week since my last post but I feel I need to make three separate posts to get everything from the past week covered. I will split it into three posts so not to create one completely cluttered and super long post. 

So here we go. I have one week at my new job under my belt. Started this past Monday (Nov 7) and made it through week 1. I really enjoy the new job and company but as with anything new it can be quite overwhelming at first. For anyone who hasn't been following along, the position is for a Relocation Specialist. For anyone unfamiliar with that term, basically it's the task of moving people and their belongings to a new residence. There are both domestic (inside the US) and international (across the world) relocation types. Most times it's corporations and government agencies that transfer their staff or have packages for new hires that help them relocate to the location of their new job. Relocation specialists basically assist individuals, couples and families in the process of moving. Depending on the client package this can cover various things: Arranging a move for their household goods, setting up temporary housing, arranging language and cultural assistance, immigration and other settling in services.

The job definitely seems very interesting but also intricate so there's a lot to learn. I spent the first week picking up some of the basics but there is still much more to cover and learn. Luckily I have a mentor assigned to me who is showing me a lot of things, going over various policies, terms and ways to do things. So that definitely helps.

I really like the international aspect of it. And even domestic, dealing with different states and locations across the US. I think long term this will be a good career choice for me. I enjoy learning about different cultures and the world in general.

It has been slightly strange being at work without Mike. Since moving to the US, the only job I ever had here was at the same company as Mike so it's weird having a job and him not being there. But of course I will get used to it. So anyway, just a quick update to keep everyone in the loop on what's going on with me and the job search/work world. Mike is still on the lookout for a new job but I am sure something suitable and a great fit will come along. Just have to be patient.  

 Letter/Mail Update: Received a letter/owe a reply to: Eloine/NY and Bianca/Germany.

Posted by Hanna at 02:56 PM in Work Stories | Permalink


Best of luck

Posted by: carolhillyerscott | Nov 19, 2016 3:51:27 PM

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