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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Busy Times - Summer in Relo

RelocationLast day of June. I really don't know where the time is going lately. But summer in relocation .. like one of my colleagues and good friends always says "It's like Christmas at Macy's". It's C-R-A-Z-Y. Everyone wants to move while the weather is nice, the kids are out of school, etc. The number of authorizations go way up and the times to get moves booked as well. I did have some success with making some last minute things happen for people lately. And when everything aligns just right I do feel a bit of joy I have to say. Definitely keeps me on my toes. :) 

Not much else going on really. Honestly these past two weeks it's been mostly about work. Not a whole lot going on besides that. Been doing a little bit of reading, watching some movies but that's about it. I guess eventually we will end up with some day trips or weekend trips but summer is just such a busy time it's hard to plan anything. And with school vacations a lot of places are so booked up and crazy expensive and crowded on the summer weekends - really don't even want to go anywhere near them. Bah Humbug. 

Let's see what else? There are a few movies out that I'd like to see. "Ocean's 8" & "Jurassic World" just to name a couple. "Antman and the Wasp" comes out next week as well I believe. And "The Catcher was a Spy" is also out but only in select theaters. The weather is crazy hot this weekend. Today it's 91 (33C) and tomorrow I think it's supposed to go up to 96 (35C). Humid too. Not as humid as I thought it might be but we shall see what tomorrow brings. Definitely too hot for my taste. I hate the ice, cold and snow but I am also not a fan of the heat & humidity. I would be happy with a breezy 70-75 (21-23C) all year round.    

Guess that's about all the excitement on my end for right now. Hopefully next week's post has something more interesting. :)

Letter/Mail Update: All caught up with my mail at the moment :) 

Posted by Hanna at 07:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Low Key Weekend

Scatch_sniffAnd it's Sunday again. I guess I can't complain too much because I had a pretty low key and relaxed weekend. Mike's flying back today so I had the weekend to myself and didn't really do all that much. The weather was cool and damp yesterday. Originally I had thought to maybe walk downtown to the library or go sit outside in a cafe but with the weather being the way it was that wasn't really a good idea. So instead I decided to just hang out at home and turn the day into a move marathon. Watched "The Lake House", "Sweet Home Alabama", "Notting Hill" and "Dirty Dancing". I had no idea how many DVDs I have. When we moved from our old house to the apartment (god 4 yrs ago?) I boxed them all up and haven't really taken a lot of them out. So I was digging through my box to see what I still have. Because I remember selling a lot of them but I guess I do still have a good amount. 

So that was yesterday. Today it was a lot more humid and warmer. I was trying to decide what to do and ended up going to the mall. It seemed like a good idea but holy crap. So many people!! I guess I haven't been there in a while and definitely not on a weekend. Why do people put themselves through this? I am just not a crowd/people person I guess. I had a cheap Dollar Menu lunch at McDonald's and then walked around and grabbed a few things. Got a new wallet at Primark for $5 (I was in desperate need to replace mine), a body spray & lotion for $8 at Bath & Body Works and a dress for $15 at Old Navy. All in all can't complain about the deals. Got a Passion Iced Tea Lemonade at Starbucks before making a beeline for the exit. Probably spent no more than an hour and a half there. But I guess at least it got me out of the house for a bit and I did pick up some good deals. And I did need a new wallet. 

Once home I did a little online shopping and ordered some new address labels from Colorful Images because they had a 99c shipping deal going on. As well as the new Scratch n Sniff stamps. They look way too cute and the scratch and sniff thing seems fun. Ordered a few other ones as well so I should be set with stamps for a bit again. Now I am just puttering around the web. Will write a letter in a bit and maybe do some reading. I also have plenty of movies I could still watch. Well I'll see what I feel like doing in a bit. And tomorrow it's Monday again. Ugh. 

Letter/Mail Update: A letter should be going out tomorrow to: Lotte/Denmark. (as long as I don't use my energy and don't write it after this post *g*)

Posted by Hanna at 06:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Busy Times

IMG_20180618_110708_830I am really bad at keeping up lately it seems like. Already a week and a half gone by. I really don't even know where the time is going as of late. Crazy, crazy. I guess work is just really busy which makes the days blend into each other. 

Plus we had a busy weekend. Saturday we went to the movies and saw "Hearts Beat Loud" at the Bethel Theater. An indie movie for sure. Very enjoyable and I'd definitely recommend it. The music was really good as well. And if you like Nick Offerman well just go see it already. :) After the movies we went to lunch and then later I relaxed at home for a bit and spent the evening reading. 

Sunday we made our way up to Syracuse, NY since we had tickets to see Paramore. Syracuse is really nothing to write home about. Let's just leave it at that. The show was great and Paramore put on a great performance as well as Foster The People who opened for them. The venue (an amphitheater) was nice too. The weather was hot (90ies and humid) but at least it didn't rain. And once the sun went down it wasn't so bad all in all. Anyway, so while the venue was nice the whole experience felt super disorganized. I guess they only opened the venue this season and the whole parking lot area was under construction. There was no clear direction of where to go, where to drop off or pick up people etc. Such a mess. 

We ended up back in the hotel at 1am and had to get up a bit after 7 so we could head to work. The 4 hour drive turned into more of a 5 hour drive as well since we hit traffic. Fun. And of course taking 1/2 the day off on Monday sounded like a good idea but of course put me way behind on everything for the whole week. Or at least that's what it feels like. 

Anyway, I guess that's enough bitching for right now. :) Mike's been away on a business trip since Tuesday as well so I haven't had much to focus on besides work. I will make myself some more tea now or hell, I might have a glass of wine to decompress a bit. Why not? :)  

Letter/Mail Update: A letter is going out tomorrow to: Tiffany/Oklahoma. Received letters from/owe replies to: Lotte/Denmark. 

Posted by Hanna at 08:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Tony's, Robin's Bachelor Party & some sad news

FB_IMG_1528657377417Yikes. I just realized it's been two weeks since I posted. Not sure how that happened. 

It's been busy, busy I suppose. Work has slipped right into the busy summer season even though it's not technically even summer yet. But that doesn't seem to mean much workwise. We are in full swing of things. Already booking moves into early July and humming along. Definitely no boring moments there. 

I also started mentoring a new employee as of last week. Crazy to think I am at that point but I guess I have been at my job for a year and a half (2 yrs in November) Time flies. So between mentoring/training/teaching and the busy summer caseload the days have just been flying by. 

Last weekend, let's see, what did we do last weekend? Oh I think we saw "Solo". Or was that the week before? Everything blends into each other. Oh yes Sunday we went to a wine bar in Sandy Hook, CT that we hadn't been to. For brunch. Was pretty neat. 

This weekend Mike went to the city Saturday for our friend Robin's bachelor party. They went to some breweries and then to the Mets-Yankees baseball game. Sounds like everyone had fun, especially the groom to be. So mission accomplished :)

Today Mike and I are just having lunch at 121 in Oxford. And later we are going to watch the Tony Awards on TV. Cheese + crackers, some wine. Should be good. 

In not so good news I received a sad phone call yesterday telling me that my uncle passed away unexpectedly overnight. I am very sorry and heartbroken for my aunt. I can't really even begin to imagine. It's been a long time since I have seen him but it's still sad nonetheless. 

Letter/Mail Update: A letter is going out tomorrow to: Carmen/Malta. Received letters from/owe replies to: Tiffany/OK. 

Posted by Hanna at 03:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)