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Sunday, June 06, 2021

June Heat Wave

HotWriting on a Sunday this time. Figured I have a little bit of time so may as well get my update in. :) The weather is scorching this weekend - we are in the 90ies (35C) - record high temperatures -and high humidity too. The total opposite from what we had last weekend when we were in the 50ies (12C) with rain. I would be happy with a medium, you know. Maybe 70-80 (21-26C) would be nice. Haha. But yeah, we of course cannot control the weather. It is what it is. 

Last Monday, on Memorial Day, we headed to Hawk Ridge Winery. I had thought that maybe we could sit outside but when we got there it was breezy and still chilly, so we ended up sitting inside. We grabbed a table right by the window so I was able to look outside while sipping my wine. :) The weather did clear up later in the day and by dinner time it was pretty decent and actually sunny with no clouds in the sky. Go figure. 

The week was busy but went by pretty quickly all in all. Of course now we are already on Sunday again and another week almost upon us. But not trying to dwell on that just yet. Will make the most of Sunday first. :) Yesterday, Saturday, we had lunch at Rizzuto's and then stopped at Two Steps on the way home and hung out there for a while. They were actually pretty busy, the whole bar area was filled, definitely a sign things are starting to go back to somewhat more normal around here. It's kind of weird and I am still not too crazy about crowds (never have been really) but we were on the edge of the crowd, kind of set aside, so it was more of a looking in from the outside scenario rather than being right in the middle. 

Today I think we are going to head to Flipside in Fairfield. We had talked about going to one of the seafood restaurants on the water in Newburgh, NY. But it's just too hot. I really do want to go but sitting outside in 90 degree humidity doesn't really sound all that appealing. Guess there's always next week. We had talked about going last week too but last week we had the opposite problem of being too chilly and wet. :) Well, guess there will be a decent temperature weekend one of these days. Right? :) 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Carmen/Malta, Celia/MA, Nina/WA, Tiffany/OK.

Posted by Hanna at 11:04 AM | Permalink


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