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Monday, August 06, 2018

Wedding Weekend - Congrats Robin & Ashley

IMG_20180805_135128_234Only realized a few days ago that I totally skipped updating last week. Guess life just got away from me. It's been really busy at work with it being the IMG_20180804_134430_144summer season plus covering for people on vacation. Guess it's August now so another month of absolute craziness, then it should start dying down again at least a little bit in September as we head into fall. 

It's Monday right now and I am just tired. Not sure I am ready for another week of summer covering. Plus the weather has just been too much. Too much humidity and the heat is supposed to go up even more for the next few days as well. Heat advisory until tomorrow night I believe. Ugh. I know everyone in Europe is dealing with the same thing. At least the humidity seems to be less there but the crazy heat is still no fun. I can sympathize. I dread winter, the endless dark days, the freezing cold, ice and snow but I am about done with summer too. I wish fall and spring would last longer but it feels like we always jump from one to the other lately and never get much in between. 

This past weekend was fun but definitely also tiring. :) We headed up to Boston, MA for our friends Robin and Ashley's wedding. It was a lot of fun and it was great to see them get married. But the drive up to MA was crazy with downpours the whole way. The weather finally cleared in the early evening but the humidity was just too much. Ugh. We ended up staying up late, slept in late on Sunday and then had lunch at Legal Seafoods before heading back to CT. 

Now it's Monday again and another week ahead. Let's see have I missed anything else interesting since my last update? Tuesday, 7/24, we went to see Panic at the Disco at Madison Square Garden which was a lot of fun. Another late night and midweek on top of that so the theme of this post definitely seems to be tiredness. Last weekend we took advantage of the one day where it wasn't crazy humid and down-pouring and went for a hike at the White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield, CT. They have a really neat long boardwalk trail that goes in a loop around a marshy lake area. Lots of fun. Minus the bug bites. That is also a theme lately. At the wedding I got bitten by a ton more mosquitoes. So over itchy bug bites. 

Alright I better wrap up here and get ready for work and face the Monday ahead. Hopefully this week will go by relatively smooth -- fingers crossed. 

Letter/Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a reply to: Celia/MA. My reply is actually written - just need to get it put together and mailed out. Hopefully tomorrow. 

Posted by Hanna at 07:38 AM | Permalink


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