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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lazy weekend

Sleepy Definitely a sleepy lazy weekend. Didn't do much at all today. Took care of the dishes that had piled up, put a few things away but mostly just surfed the web and did mindless stuff. I guess fighting a cold takes some energy out of you. I don't have anything major (sore throat, congested, headache, etc) but it's still annoying.

Were out late yesterday celebrating a friend's birthday which was fun. Was nice to be able to sleep in today. In a little while we will probably have a small dinner and then catch up on some shows. And luckily we still have another day off tomorrow. Nice to have a weekend at home doing nothing.

Next weekend we are off to Atlanta, just a short 2-night trip to visit a friend. Will be fun. Managed to get a really cheap flight deal. Hopefully by next weekend I should be over this annoying cold again too. I am definitely ready for spring at this point.

Short mail update for today. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Emilia/Finland, Charles/TN, Caroline/Scotland and Nina/WA.

Posted by Hanna at 05:48 PM | Permalink


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