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Thursday, July 20, 2006

And the world is the good again ...

SbcafeI can say with absolute certainty that everything is ok with the world at this particular moment. I am sitting at a Starbucks in Carpenteria, CA enjoying an Earl Grey tea, watching the hustle and bustle inside and outside the shop, looking up at the mountains in the background as the morning fog slowly desolves and the sun comes out.

It's so weird. I never know how much I miss the Santa Barbara area until I come back to it. It puts me so much at peace. I feel at home and there is something inside of me that stirrs and just makes me happy. It's a really weird feeling to describe.

It is weird because I feel in a similiar way when I return back to Austria and I guess I would probably feel about the same about the East Coast if I ever was away from it long enough. :) I guess the bottom line is that I have 3 homes and I guess it's a blessing and a curse at the same time. It's wonderful to feel so much at home in 3 places but it's also incredibly sad every time I have to leave.

Anyway, we walked up and down State Street in Santa Barbara last night and made sure that all my favorite spots and restaurants are still there. I am happy to report that for the most part at least all the important stuff is still the same. It's been almost 8 years now since I first came to live here but not all that much has changed really.

Our Ford Mustang convertible is awesome. We had the top down all the way from the airport to Santa Barbara and it was a great ride. Today we are going back down to the Getty Museum in L.A. And maybe we will take a drive through the mountains on our way back up. We'll see. For now I am just very HAPPY. Probably happier and more relaxed than I have been in a long time.....

Posted by Hanna at 02:04 PM | Permalink


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I love the Getty. We spent a lot of time in that museum about a year ago. So interesting. And I also really enjoy the Huntington. We usually manage to go twice each time we visit California.

I hope you're having a fabulous time. We just returned last night from our family (11 of us) vacation on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Great time was had by all.

Posted by: cassie-b | Jul 22, 2006 11:01:03 AM

Three places to call home.. that is actually very nice. :-) And to ride in a convertible.. how wonderful.

Posted by: Simply Coll | Jul 25, 2006 8:39:17 AM

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