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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Almost Summer

Gbisprcl03_plants_misc12anim It's gorgeous outside today. It's slowly getting dark now which is nice cause it's almost 7:30 pm. I am never happy when we first change the time in the spring, losing sleep and all. But I am very happy after a short while with it being lighter out much longer.

Have had a rough week at work so far and it was nice leaving late and it still being light out. Makes you feel a little better after a long day.

I won't even go into detail about all the stuff that's going on at work. To make a long story short I am having lots of employee troubles, trying to hire, interview, people leaving, ... stuff like that. I guess it will all work itself out eventually.

Went for a walk after getting home from work today. Nothing clears my head like a nice walk on a sunny day. It was so gorgeous outside today, warm, sunny, just a really nice day. The only thing that's missing now are the leaves on the trees. Can't wait for summer. :)

Posted by Hanna at 07:40 PM | Permalink


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